Kamehameha Schools Strategic Plan & Real Estate
What is Kamehameha Schools up to? As the Chair of Honolulu Board of Realtors East Oahu Region I was fortunate enough to secure Mr....
Kamehameha Schools Strategic Plan & Real Estate
Sustainability: Hawaii vs the Philippines
The Central Ala Moana Affordable Housing Release
Living Off The Grid In Hawaii...Closer To Becoming A Reality
Moiliili Does Affordable Housing: 929 Pumehana St. Is Ohana Hale
What Gap? Millennials VS Baby Boomers
Smart Homes Hit Hawaii
Smart ADU’s in Hawaii, Pre-Fab and Fabulous
Ke Kilohana at Ward Village & 'A'ali'i Update
'A'ali'i vs The Block 803 Waimanu
Top 10 Tips to Biki in Honolulu
'A'ALI'I...The New Wave
Bikeshare Hawaii